Sunday, November 21, 2010

Houston Festival and Classes

If you have ever been to a quilt show in Australia and are amazed at the vendors. Houston is many times larger. The vendor mall takes up two exhibiton halls, and the quilt show itself takes up another two exhibition halls. The classes are held on the third floor over two of the exhibition halls. Very large site but everything was well organised.
This is a view of the vendor mall from the second floor before it opened. I came back to this porthole on the fourth day and found a few more places that I needed to revisit within the mall.
While at the show I was able to sit in on a very entertaining Jennie Rayment lunchtime lecture. She is known as the Calico Queen and in the space of an hour undressed progressive quilted layers of clothing down to her corsette and knickers - quilted of course!
I also spent six hours of class time with Jamie Wallen, and Kimmy Brunner, plus 3 hours with Irena Bluhm. I am now putting into practise what I learnt and my quilts are quilting up great.

Houston and Beyond

It has been a long while since I updated, but I have now settled back into home after a fantastic trip to Houston Quilt Festival with 15 other quilters and Larry.

We left Brisbane on the 3rd November and 36hours, four flights, and one lost bus driver, later we were in Houston.

Thoroughly enjoyed the vendors the classes and the quilts. More on the classes later.

Larry was the larrikin leprauchaun we took with us who succeeded in getting into a lot of mischief. He thought it best if he stayed under his toadstool for the trip as it hid his gun!

He did however succeed in getting himself handcuffed on one occassion. I think that was the same night when he was trying to balance his drinks.